A Special Overdraft Service for Our Customers
At times, unanticipated expenses or unforeseen problems can leave you with too little cash in your checking account.
Having a check returned or having a debit card purchase denied due to insufficient funds can be an inconvenient, and potentially embarrassing and costly experience. That is why PCB offers Bounce Protection, a special overdraft service for our customers.
Bounce Protection is a discretionary overdraft service that provides you a safety net up to an automatically assigned overdraft limit. Your Bounce Protection limit may be available for checks and other transactions made using your checking account number or automatic bill payments and recurring debit card payments. Also, at your request, we may authorize and pay ATM transfers or withdrawals and everyday debit card purchases using your limit.
For more information regarding Bounce Protection at PCB, please review our Bounce Protection Brochure (PDF) or contact us.
At PCB, we do not encourage overdrafts. As always, we encourage you to manage your finances responsibly. For additional information regarding overdraft protection services and personal financial management, please review the brochure (in pdf format) from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) entitled "Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees".
To learn more about smart ways to manage your money, complete the FDIC Money Smart. financial education program online.