Step Into Independence with Our Cub Club Savings Account!
Introducing Cub Club, an exciting savings account designed for students under 18! This account makes saving fun and educational, teaching the value of financial foresight.
Benefits include:
- Competitive Interest Rate: Enjoy a 1.00% APY, encouraging students to watch their savings flourish.
- Cub Account Credit: Earn $5 for A/B honor roll or perfect attendance, credited each grading period.
- Free Digital Banking: Link a PCB deposit account for effortless transfers.
- Cub Club Savings Mascot: Receive a plush Cub Club mascot when opening the account.
Ready to Shape Your Financial Destiny?
Connect with the PCB Family in Virginia and West Virginia. With PCB's Cub Club, you're not just saving money but investing in a future filled with possibilities. Let our dedicated team guide you through the benefits and help you embark on a fulfilling financial journey.
Join Monty's Cub Club, Too!
PCB is a proud sponsor of Monty's Cub Club, an initiative on the WVU Tech campus geared toward students 16 years-of-age and younger. Program membership is entirely free and gives members exclusive access to perks and experiences at WVU Tech!
What is the Cub Club student account?
It's a special savings account designed for students under 18, offering competitive interest rates to boost their savings journey.
How much do I need to start?
Just $25! And by maintaining this balance daily, you can earn interest.
What happens when I graduate or turn 18?
Your Cub Club account will automatically convert to a Community Savings account, ensuring a seamless transition.
How can I manage my savings?
Our free online, mobile, and telephone banking services allow you to manage your account anytime and anywhere.
What are eDocuments?
They are electronic versions of your statements, allowing you to access your account details in an eco-friendly manner.
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 12/26/2023. Rates may change after account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on this account. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash items (for example, checks). Interest will be compounded daily and will be credited to the account quarterly. During any statement cycle you may not make more than six (6) withdrawals or transfers to another account of yours or to a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer or telephone order or instruction, computer transfer, or by check, draft, debit card or similar order to a third party. You can make unlimited in person withdrawals. Students must present their report card each grading period to demonstrate A/B honor roll or perfect attendance in order to receive $5 credit. $25 minimum deposit to open. Avoid the $4.99 service fee per statement cycle by maintaining a $25 minimum balance. Paper statements are available for a $3.00 fee per statement.